Wall Travelling Jib Cranes


Wall-travelling jib cranes increase overall plant productivity by quickly handling smaller lifts.


Wall-Traveling Jib Crane provides long lateral movement of materials without taking up floor space or interfering with large overhead cranes. They are used in production environments where many work stations are linked together in a straight line. Expensive idle time among machinery and personnel is eliminated by the Wall Travelling jib, which transports the product to the next station independently of the main bridge crane.


  • Low headroom cantilever design.
  • VFD (variable frequent drive) – controlled travel speeds.
  • jib boom and truss bolt onto the back frame—no welding required.
  • The end trucks of this jib crane are constructed from channel beam frames and resist twisting.
  • Lift and transport product through full length of the shop
  • A jib boom which is fabricated from standard “S” beam with vertical angle truss to reduce deflection.